Adbusters - Monthly magazine devoted to the critique of consumerism and corporate media.
AlterNet - News magazine and online community that creates original journalism and amplifies dozens of other alternative media sources.
Antiwar - Antiwar news, viewpoints, and activities.
Axis of Logic - News and commentary which are often ignored or whitewashed by the mainstream media. Has columnists living in different countries and covers many of subjects.
Centre for Research on Globalisation - Independent media and research group of writers, scholars and journalists. Publishes news articles, analysis and intelligence on the New World Order.
Common Dreams - Breaking news and views for the progressive community, with links to news items and opinion pieces from around the world.
Consortiumnews - Underreported news and forgotten history from investigative online magazine.
Democracy Now! - Daily news program airing on over 350 stations in North America. Provides audience with access to people and perspectives rarely heard in the US corporate-sponsored media.
Dissident Voice - Internet newsletter dedicated to challenging the distortions and lies of the corporate press and the privileged classes it serves.
Eat the State! - Forum for anti-authoritarian political opinion, research and humor.
Fight Back! - Newspaper providing coverage and analysis of some of the key battles facing working and low-income people.
Films for Action - Site provides a documentary movies about various global and local issues. Movies are created by activist from all over the world.
Global Issues - Provides insights into global issues that may be misrepresented but are all closely related. Topics include human rights, trade, globalization, poverty, and environment related issues.
Index on Censorship - Bi-monthly magazine widening the debates on freedom of expression through interviews, reportage, banned literature, and polemic from some of the world's best writers.
Inequality - Interesting information on income inequalities.
Information Clearing House - Independent media, source of unreported (or under reported) news from around the globe
Inter Press Service (IPS) - Covers news from the Third World, promotes information on development issues, and helps create a better balance and flow of international news
Intrepid Report - Independent, feisty, reader-supported alternative to the corporate media. Providing daily news on global political, social, business issues.
McClure's Magazine - Aiming to be an alternative news source to the mainstream media. And also to provide commentary and correction on mainstream news, and historical analysis on current events.
National Security Archive - Collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
New Economics Foundation - Independent think-and-do tank challenging mainstream thinking on economic, environment and social issues.
OneWorld - Global network of over 900 organizations working in human rights and sustainable development.
OpenDemocracy - Offers global news analysis and commentary from a pro-democracy, pro-human rights perspective.
Opensecrets - Sponsored by the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-partisan research group that tracks money in politics, and its effect on elections and public policy.
OzHouse Alt News - Alternative news from around the entire globe from a pro liberty, anti-globalization perspective.
TomDispatch - Regular antidote to the mainstream media. Written by Tom Engelhardt, a fellow at the Nation Institut.
truthout - Provides access to reader-supported news instead of advertiser-supported news.
War On Want - Fghts poverty in developing countries in partnership and solidarity with people affected by globalisation.
WikiLeaks - Non-profit media organization dedicated to bringing important news and information to the public. This site provides an innovative, secure and anonymous way for independent sources around the world to leak information to journalists of WikiLeaks.
World Socialist Web Site - Provides left political and social commentary. Published by International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI).
World War 4 Report - Monitors the global War on Terrorism and its implications for human rights, democracy and ecology.
Z Net - Activist resource and site of US premier alternative magazine.