Top Health Magazines

Health Magazine

America's leading women's health and lifestyle magazine. The magazine offers articles on creative recipe ideas, beauty tips, fat-burning workouts, latest health, fashion, fitness and nutrition trends.

Women's Health

The magazine published 10 times a year and focusing on health, nutrition, lifestyles, relationship, fitness tips, and more

Men's Health

World's best selling men's health magazine published by Rodale Inc. Men's Health magazine also published in Australia, Brazil, China, India, Philippines, South Africa, and United Kingdom.

Consumer Reports On Health

Monthly magazine featuring articles on latest health trends, honest criticisms, illnesses and medical procedures, and helpful tips for maintaining healthy lifestyle.

Gluten Free & More

Magazine for the the people with allergies and food sensitivities.


One of the leading health magazines published in the United States. The magazine published by Rodale Press, covering emotional health, healthy lifestyles, relationships, natural remedies, vitamins, treatments, diabetes, flat belly diet, fitness coaches, walking, yoga, nutrition basics, recipe ideas, hair & nails, makeup, teeth & smiles, and more.


Leading Health magazine published by Condé Nast Digital. The magazine featuring fitness articles, fitness blog, food, diet, tips, tools to keep you healthy, health articles, health calculator, and more.

Weight Watchers

Bimonthly magazine promotes a healthy lifestyle by maintaining or losing weight. The magazine featuring articles about food and recipes, health and wellness, success stories, and more.

Natural Health

Featuring food and nutrition, alternative health practices, exercise, self-care, supplements and low fat recipes, preventative medicine, organic gardening, and consumer guides to natural products.

Natural History Magazine

Covering evolution, climate change, environment, society and culture, universe, wildlife, and more.

American Heritage

Covering history of the USA, great American place, historic American cities, historical significance, and more.